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Where can I buy beetles legally from other countries?

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Ugh! I am so irritated right now! So many beautiful scarabs for sale online - but nearly 99% of these insect sites are in other countries that can ship to other countries but not the USA for some reason I don't even know.  I've found 2 sites that ended up excluding USA. I found a site called Richard's Inverts located in the UK sells some really nice bugs. They have world wide shipping available and I haven't seen anything stating that the US is excluded, but they say that other countries buy bugs at your own risk. Do I need to get some type of permit? How much do they cost? If not, is there any websites in other countries I can legally buy bugs from? 

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no... but your own risk is your own risk. Join a discord, some people imported illegals and sale them. Or go on a less moderated forum or insta.

I don't own any non natives personally though. But if you want to take that leap it's possible.


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Stick insects for example, some species make clones of themselves and in the past people released a few into the wild and we are still trying to stop those species. So laws were put in place in the US to prevent more invasive species. (But this happens anyways because importing of plants, food, etc.)  I hope this clarifies a bit.

I mean you could always just move to europe if you really want to keep them.

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Many thinks that the targeted species brings the harm to the native species, but that is less likely the primary reason WHY they are prohibited. The most primary reason to prohibit importation of alive organisms from other countries is the disease and pests that comes with it, which can actually do more harms to native fauna and flora. It sure can be differ per what the species is, but in case of insects, which interacts with plants A LOT, plant disease and pests are the primary reason.

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14 hours ago, Reyes said:

Such as the chagas disease from assassin bugs that can kill you over time.

They're honestly more concerned about diseases that can affect plants than humans. 

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