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    Entomology, hiking, insect collecting, arachnids

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  1. Buprestids can easily be caught with funnel traps. I have a few dozen with a dozen species. You can get 5-6 in a single trap and up to 3 species :). Don't know if you are still interested in the info but thought I'd pitch in. I have also collected them under hemlock bark, as well as just on the ground.

    1. Goliathus


      Are the funnel traps something that's commercially available, and are they specifically for buprestids?  What is used as bait?

    2. JunkaiWangisme


      Ethanol or Ethanol-alpha pinene. You can buy funnel traps on bioequip. You can get all kinds of stuff in them. You can go on my website ofbugsandart.com to check some of them out :). I labeled what is hand collected and what is caught with funnel traps I think. I used that website for my college apps. I work with a entomology professor over the summer (studies bark beetles), with a huge bonus of being able to use his traps, funnel traps are for bark beetles but I have seen stag beetles, flower beetles, longhorns and lots of click beetles in them.

    3. pannaking22


      I get most of mine by sweeping and beating vegetation, but I've used some funnel traps as well. They work pretty well and are a good way to pick up odd species every now and then. Thanks for the comment!

  2. This is pretty cool, I'd assume that almost nothing is known about the behavior or ecology of this species, so it's neat to see even the little bits and pieces that you're providing here. Keep it up!
  3. No, they're highly regulated and you can get in loads of trouble if caught.
  4. Rest stops/gas stations are the best for that kind of thing. There are a few really productive ones in west Texas, plus an ATM in Ft. Davis where you can snag 8+ species of scarabs (including 3+ species of dynastines) if you time it right. Basically anywhere that doesn't really use LED lights has high potential. LEDs can still attract insects, but the diversity is much lower.
  5. I helped maintain a colony for several years and while we kept them in containers with either a little cocofiber or just newspaper on the bottom, we'd place 32oz deli cups mostly filled with moist sand in with them, or watch for signs that a female was ready to oviposit and put her in her own 32 overnight. We didn't heat them, but I suppose they were close enough to the heat lamps they could have gotten a bit of extra heat. All that really does is speed up hatching time, it's not necessary to make them hatch. It's R. microptera, this is the name used on the Orthoptera Species File and is the accepted name by the International Committee of Zoological Nomenclature.
  6. That's good to know too! Euphoria sepulcralis has been the most commonly found species here for me so far, so that'll likely be my starter species.
  7. Thanks for all the help, Goliathus! I'll poke around a bit more locally to see if I can source some leaves and wood first. Definitely missing being able to do that back in Illinois! I had plenty of access to pesticide free wooded areas there.
  8. Hmmm, do you think that organic compost would work for them? They're obviously finding spots with plenty of leaf litter and rotting wood around here, but unfortunately almost all the land down here is private and I haven't made any connections with ranch owners yet to collect materials there. That's good to know that Gymnetis can be kept communally since I was prepared to keep them individually. I have plenty of little deli cups since I keep tarantulas and scorpions, so those would be what the Euphoria larvae would go in. I guess that's a perk of smaller beetles, you don't need nearly as large of containers to rear the larvae!
  9. What sort of substrates do you keep them in (while feeding)? It'd be nice if there was a way to cheaply acquire a lot of it if they're good eaters. It'd likely be the same process with Gymnetis once I get out to hunt for those too. That's very good to know about the fine sand, once I collect some I'll have to pick up a bag. Only species I've seen so far is E. sepulcralis, but I'm hoping to get lucky and find other species before winter. Euphoria fulgida is west of me a ways, but I'm hoping to get out that way next year to collect. Hopefully I find some of the blue individuals! Thanks for the answers, guys!
  10. Found a few of these down here, so I'm wondering if they're kept like other Phileurini?
  11. I was poking around a little trying to find out about this genus and all I seem to find is that they're tough to keep successfully. Anyone have thoughts on this or has anyone had success? There are several species here in south Texas, so I figure I'd might as well give it a shot!
  12. You can definitely get some weird things at dusk, but it's also just easier to have things set up before dark just so you can avoid a lot of hassle!
  13. Mercury vapor has always been my preference as well. I've never used the Bioquip blacklight sheet before, but if you bring out an old white sheet that works really well too. Whether you blacklight or mercury light, it's a lot of fun going out and doing that during the spring/summer/fall! Another option would be to set it up near water. Not only will you get neat aquatic beetles, you'll also get a whole host of aquatic inverts as well (belostomatids, nepids, etc.). I always try to mercury light on the edge of the woods, especially if there's some nice prairie right next to it. You don't necessarily get more beetles, but you can get a wide variety of other things too.
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