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To the roach keeper.


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Dear hobbyists,


I wanted to reach out and ask what, if any, species of roach do you keep? Or which ones have you kept in the past.


I am also interested to find out of there are any hobbyists out there keeping Cryptocercus punctulatus.


Thank you kindly,



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Im currently keeping a small colonie of Gromphadorhina portentosa (madagascar Hissers), another small colony of Blaberus discoidalis (discoid roach) and a large colony of B. dubia for feeders. all i have to say is i love my roaches, their fun to play with, and easy to care for. Im not familuar with anyone keeping C. Punctulatus, ive actually never even heard of/ seen in the hobbie...

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I am keeping Eurycotis floridana, Pycnoscelus surinamensis, Ischnoptera deropeltiformis , Parcoblatta virginica, and some unknown wood roaches. Will be getting 400 lobster roaches soon. lol


I used to keep some Cryptocercus punctulatus (I collected them in Smokey MT.) but they all died due to the overheating (I wasn't expecting sunrays). I feel really sorry for them.

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I am also interested to find out of there are any hobbyists out there keeping Cryptocercus punctulatus.

In my experience that species takes five years to reach adulthood. They will die if handled much at all. I don't think much of anyone is aware of how long it takes them to mature.

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Being such a basal roach I am very interested in hearing the experiences of those that have kept them. I would like to give them a try soon.

Also, for those that keep or have kept "domino roaches" there are at least three known species, two of them have found their way into the hobby, let's try to keep them labeled correctly.


Phil, I am always amazed by your origami work.

Lucanus, are you using most of your cultures as feeders?

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i currently keep a few sp myself


dubia and lats for the small guys


glow spot










Rhypharobia sp. ex. malaysia

bullet roaches


used to have a bunch more but weeded out all but these


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