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Dhh question

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Sorry to keep bugging you guys, no pun....LOL. So, both my female Dhh have emerged. The first 2 months ago and the second about 2 weeks ago. Neither of my males have emerged and I am getting concerned. Would this be unusual? They were all kept in the same bin, so I assumed they would all emerge within a reasonable time of each other. Should I wait it out? Should I dig them up to see if they are okay? Not sure what to do, but what i do know is that I am getting impatient......UGH!. I have spent 2 years on this and I dont want to screw it up. Please let me know what I should do. I totally appreciate your collective knowledge!!!!!! :-)

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Thanks Matt. My impatience does not mean that I want to risk injuring the pupae. I just need some guidance from someone who knows about Dhh. Seeing that you are suggesting waiting another month tells me that this is normal and that I don't need to lose hope thinking that something may be wrong. Thank you very much for that! I have 2 years into this and I really want it to work out. :-)

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Males typically take longer to develop. They are larger and have extra parts (horns) to develop. I think it is pretty common to see the females first. I'm not sure about D.H.H but I have heard with some species the males take so much longer that it is hard to breed them just using a single group of larvae that were born/laid at the same time.

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Thanks Jordan,

i had read that if you house the males and females together, which i did, that the females would give off a pheremone that would cause the males to pupate at the same time. Not sure that this is totally true, but it would seem to me that the males would take longer regardless. I will hold tight and hope for the best! Thanks again!

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