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Night collecting


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Caught some interesting stuff over the last two nights. In the first photo are some Prioninae. The one in the middle is Derobrachus brevicollis and the other two are Prionus pocularis. The Second photo is of Strategus splendens and the third photo shows Strategus antaeus. S. splendens has a narrower body with more of a reddish color while S. antaeus is wider and more rounder body and darker coloration. Seems that both these Strategus species coexist in the same area. All Strategus are females and I'm hoping they might lay eggs for me. Sorry for the quality of the pics. I will take pictures with a better camera and post them.









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Nice finds.

Pseudo scorpions love to hitch a ride under some the Electra of the Prionus pocularis I've found, and other longhorns of similar size. I found a good way of checking without opening the Electra is to use a bright flashlight from the side. I removed 8 last week from a pocularis.

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Thanks guys! And good call on the flashlight trick. These actually had no pseudo scorpions but the Mallodon dasystomus specimens I caught last year were loaded with those parasites. I usually soak my specimens in acetone for a few hours before pinning and the pseudo scorpions all come out immediately.

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Very cool. What other kinds of stuff are you seeing (Cerambycidae, Meloidae, Carabidae)? Do you get Lethocerus with any regularity?


I have only collected in Florida during the day, but I would be really interested in seeing what kind of stuff you get in your neck of the woods!

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I've gotten some very nice Cerambycidae and yes I've come across many Lethocerus at night when it is very rainy. They fly into the lights from near by lakes I assume. No Carabidae unfortunately. I usually look for adult beetles at night and during the day I look for larvae in trees. I'm glad to live in such a great area for collecting. This year I hope to go to the florida keys for some Cerambycidae collecting.

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