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Hello from NJ

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Hello everyone.


I'm a 32 year old in NJ, currently keeping Asbolus and Passalus Beetles, as well as various Isopods (I loooove isopods!), centipedes, millipedes, fish, assassin bugs, and a few snakes. I have a few breeding projects in the works (my pythons), but I really have my heart set on breeding insects. I'm kinda new to the pet insect hobby, but as a child I kept anything I could, so to see that I can do this without being a "weirdo" is quite exciting. I plan to go on some expeditions this spring/summer/fall, in the hopes of adding Dynastes, and Lucanus, among others (Tiger Beetles!!!! :P ) to my collection. I look forward to making connections with like minded individuals.

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You found the right place.

You will find people here will help you with your questions.

Here in Florida I come across millipedes and centipedes every time I go larvae hunting. They are cool.

I have learnt more than I expected here, I own most books on breeding beetles. This place is great for learning about keeping insects alive and breeding them.


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Welcome to the forum. What Isopod species do you keep? Are you interested in trying to breed marine isopods? I can collect them by the hundreds at the beach, but I've never managed to get a colony to thrive.


Right now I just have a colony of orange P. scaber, and O. assellus. Don't really know much about keeping the marine ones, are they completely aquatic or a shoreline species?

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