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D. adamsi

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That genus is unique. Use the normal flower beetle medium of crushed leaves but make sure there's a bunch of whole or large pieces of leaves on top. You'll see why when they lay eggs.

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  • 5 months later...


비록 약간 오래된 포럼이지만 제 경험을 바탕으로 한 답을 드리겠습니다.

제가 한국에 있을때 사슴풍뎅이 암컷을 채집하여 알을 두개 받은적이 있습니다. (수컷을 채집하지 못해서 그런지 알을 별로 안낳더군요.) 당시 톱밥은 한국에서 장수풍뎅이용으로 판매하던 톱밥이였지요. 그렇게 산란받은 알중에 한개는 유정란이였는지 부화하고 다른 한개는 녹아내리더군요. 그 부화한 유충은 평범하게 기르다 3령때 느릅나무의 잎을 주면 죽지않는다길레 줘봤습니다. 유충이 아주 잘 먹더군요. 그렇게 키우다가 나중에 유충이 3령말기로 성장하였습니다. 그런데 당시 사풍유충에 관한 글중에 동면을 시켜주면 된다는 글이 있어서 진짜 되는지 궁금하여 냉장고에 넣었습니다. 다음날 부모님께서 냉장고 온도를 영하로 낯추는 바람에 아이스크림으로 변한 유충을 발견할수 있었습니다. 비록 용화까진 안갔지만 느릅나무 잎사귀를 주면 성장을 잘 하는것 같네요. 물론 제 개인적인 경험이다보니 정확하게 이게 사풍사육의 비결이다 라고는 장담하지 못하겠습니다.

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  • 1 month later...


Goodbye old forum a though is some is but my experience will give one answer with character. When I is to Korea, collects the deer june beetle female and there is an enemy who the cranium receives the egg. (Does not collect the male not to do, does not lay the probably like that egg especially.) At that time sawdust was the sawdust which from Korea sells with Changsu june beetle. Disperses like that and while knowing, one hatches and probably is the oil well column, different one melts, through more army. That the larva which hatches commonly, 3 zero time when raises gave the leaf of the elm and the route [ley] which does not die to give tried. The larva eats quite well. Raised like that and later the larva grew at 3 zero final period. About at that time corporate culture larva when, by the way to hibernate in the writing, became and to be a writing become realness, anxiously in the refrigerator put in. Next day parents wishes a refrigerator temperature will be able to discover the larva which changes with the ice cream the facial weight at sub-zero. Anger gets peeled off though and does not go but gives the elm leaf company ear and to be doing well appears a growth. Of course system is an experience which is personal and sees and accurately is a secret of this corporate culture breeding, does not assure.

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Goodbye old forum a though is some is but my experience will give one answer with character. When I is to Korea, collects the deer june beetle female and there is an enemy who the cranium receives the egg. (Does not collect the male not to do, does not lay the probably like that egg especially.) At that time sawdust was the sawdust which from Korea sells with Changsu june beetle. Disperses like that and while knowing, one hatches and probably is the oil well column, different one melts, through more army. That the larva which hatches commonly, 3 zero time when raises gave the leaf of the elm and the route [ley] which does not die to give tried. The larva eats quite well. Raised like that and later the larva grew at 3 zero final period. About at that time corporate culture larva when, by the way to hibernate in the writing, became and to be a writing become realness, anxiously in the refrigerator put in. Next day parents wishes a refrigerator temperature will be able to discover the larva which changes with the ice cream the facial weight at sub-zero. Anger gets peeled off though and does not go but gives the elm leaf company ear and to be doing well appears a growth. Of course system is an experience which is personal and sees and accurately is a secret of this corporate culture breeding, does not assure.


I see that you translated my quote. However, there are a lot of wrong translations in here.

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What's the difference in the environment? What do you know about D. adamsi? I haven't seen any real details on that species.


D. adamsi are found in China, South Korea, and Japan. I used to collect this species near my house when I was in South Korea. They prefer some kind of elm tree that are common in South korea but they can be collected in large number with banana traps. Many people claim that they are impossible to raise in captivity because mature L3 larvae die off. I tried to raise this species but when I got to L3 I accidentally killed the larva.

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I´m sorry for the bad translation...

But why do you write this in Chosŏn’gŭl / Hangeul ?






English isn't my native language so I still struggle at writing in english. Since the author of this topic is korean, I decided to write in korean.

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An imperfect translation is certainly a thousand times more interesting and informative than none, besides most of us only see the original characters as squares. I see the author mentions elm leaves for this beetle twice.

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An imperfect translation is certainly a thousand times more interesting and informative than none, besides most of us only see the original characters as squares. I see the author mentions elm leaves for this beetle twice.


It is interesting and informative than none, but it can lead to misunderstanding.

The elm tree in the quote is Ulmus davidiana. D. adamsi loves to feed on this tree. In some places, you can find a large group feeding on single tree.

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Are you saying this section referring to larvae eating elm leaves "larva which hatches commonly, 3 zero time when raises gave the leaf of the elm" really means the adult beetles feed on elm tree sap?


No. It actually means that I gave some elm leaves to see if the larvae likes it. There hasn't been any report on larvae feeding on elm leaves but I wanted to give it a try.

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