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New to forum and new to beetles!


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Hi there!


I made a faux pas by not making my first post here (got a little panicky needing some input on care), but it's finally time to make a post! My name is Mandy, I live in PA. I've always had pets (chameleon, corn snae, rats, mice, cats & dogs), but my interest in stag/rhino beetles started on a visit to Japan in the summer of 2014. At a festival, there were stag beetles for sale with kits and info on how to take care of them... I was very enamored! And imagine how sad I was to come back to the USA and find out there was no simple way to have one of my own. At least, not as simple as getting a snake or a lizard might be.


After a lot of research and a chunk of change (my birthday present to myself... 26 on the 25th!), I finally have two of my own!


  • Genki: Phalocragnathus Muelleri, rainbow stag. Even though he's from Australia, I named him Genki since it means perky/happy in Japanese, and he definitely is that!
  • Taku: Prosopocoilus fabricei takakuwai, from Indonesia. His name is just a few letters out of his species name.
  • ???: Dorcus curvidens curvidens, coming in the mail to me soon! No name yet.


They are both lovely beetles, although Taku arrived in a cracked tube and with two broken legs. He still manages to scoot around on the dense substrate I bought, and spends most of his time digging and eating. Despite his handicap, he's doing well. He's not very friendly and doesn't like to be handled, although I don't know if this is because of his vulnerable state, or just his species. Anyone else have one of these? They don't seem common.


The Dorcus was free, to make up for Taku's damage. I was told Dorcus curvidens curvidens is very gentle/doesn't mind being held... hope it's true!


I'm very much a newbie when it comes to beetles, so any and all advice is appreciated. I love these little guys and want to give them the best (short) life they can get! :D Tonight, I'm working on hydrating their soil + using clear saran wrap over most of the ventilation to keep it humid.


Here are some pics!





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  • 3 weeks later...

Welcome to the beetle forum and must I say what gorgeous stag beetle you have I'm happy that you got such great species to start out with :)

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