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Valgus (c.f.) seticollis


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An interesting species I've collected about a week ago. They were found inside a still standing tree filled with termite mounds, which their larvae seem to be associated with because I've only been able to find these guys near termite mounds.


The "stinger" on some of the specimens are their ovipositor. It is used for egg laying, and it can never hurt you.










As you can see in this picture, males come in two colors; light brown, and black.


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Cool looking beetles. I've noticed a trend were if I search a tree and it has carpenter ants I find nothing but if it has termites I get some awesome finds like big grubs.


I've noticed that too! That's why I never look into trees with massive colony of carpenter ants inside them


Seems that termite mounds are sometimes used as foods for some wood eating grubs so that's probably why we are able to find nice looking grubs in termite infested woods :)

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There are so many animals that can eat termites. For instance many lizards and frogs eat them so I have found baby to medium sized snakes in logs just waiting to ambush a little frog or lizard looking for a meal.


But this is only a trend and never rule out a tree with ants. The first tree I found with truncatus larvae had carpenter ants at the very base. Guess the ants hadn't made it to the top yet which was why the truncatus were still there perhaps.

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There are so many animals that can eat termites. For instance many lizards and frogs eat them so I have found baby to medium sized snakes in logs just waiting to ambush a little frog or lizard looking for a meal.


But this is only a trend and never rule out a tree with ants. The first tree I found with truncatus larvae had carpenter ants at the very base. Guess the ants hadn't made it to the top yet which was why the truncatus were still there perhaps.


That's interesting. The trees I find that are infested with ants usually didn't have tree cavities at the top so I've been ignoring it most of the time, but I think I should try looking into them now. Thanks for the info :)

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