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Who's Stronger?


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So Probably most of you know that in asia beetle fighting is very popular. I am American-Chinese so I am an American citizen. I was wondering in a fight who's stronger Dorcus titanus or Dorcus curividens? And how does Lu=canus Elaphus compare with those two?


maybe in SE asia, i have not seen beetle fighting in china or taiwan and Dorcus titanus p can chase out my Dorcus hopei b, well because size difference and maybe Dorcus curividen too but definately take out fighting rino beetle, if you wonder how i get to that answer, lets just say i do feeling lucky. oh cricket fighting is popular in china. and i have to mention i do not fight animals, above experience are accidental. Also Dorcus schenklingi have a mean reputation.

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maybe in SE asia, i have not seen beetle fighting in china or taiwan and Dorcus titanus p can chase out my Dorcus hopei b, well because size difference and maybe Dorcus curividen too but definately take out fighting rino beetle, if you wonder how i get to that answer, lets just say i do feeling lucky. oh cricket fighting is popular in china. and i have to mention i do not fight animals, above experience are accidental. Also Dorcus schenklingi have a mean reputation.


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