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Guess I'm done Lurking. Hello!

Speed Gimp

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Hello from South Florida folks.

I registered on here in July, but for a while I was content to simply lurk since I didn't think I had anything to contribute. Peter from Bugsincyberspace.com thinks I have some stuff to contribute, so I guess I should stop lurking and introduce myself.

My name is Brian, but most of my friends call my Gimpy or Gimp. Some of them call me other things, but I'll keep it clean. :D I got the moniker from the outcomes of some of my motorized adventures, mainly the motorcycle accident that left me with the hardware that can be seen in my avatar.

A few months back, my son developed an interest in insects (especially beetles) and was pleading with me to get him some. As I want to encourage his curiosity of insects and nature, I did alot of online research and obtained some Blue Death feigning Beetle from Peter. We also have some other insects/bugs that I've caught for my son (Millipedes, Warrior Beetle, and Wolf Spider).


So here I am. Sorry for taking so long to say hello.





Not that it needs saying, but this is a great site.

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Welcome! I'm here as well because my son wanted blue death Feinging beetles. Unfortunately we only have one BDFB at the moment but we have quite a few other Darklings to make an interesting community tank that my sons and I enjoy watching.

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Ha! Yes, that is our tank! The video is really shakey I used my iphone and was being jostled by my 5 year old. B) We've added a few more beetles since I took the video I should probably try to do another one with less jostling. :lol:


Edit: I just rewatched it. I forgot my son tipped over his toys. :lol:


Here is the video if anyone is interested in my awesome camera skills.


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