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Beetle (6/10)



  1. Beetles for free from Africa. Be very careful guys!
  2. Awesome! Glad it worked out for you! I have heard it was a great year for grantii. I just heard from a friend that went on the holiday weekend and he got over 100 in Payson at his Mercury Vapor setup. He has a pretty elaborate setup. He was saying it was much better than last year. I think there is always a few old style MV lights if you drive around enough. There is someone on the facebook group who lives in Pine and she mentions that she finds some at the local stores. I have not gone to those areas.
  3. Good to hear you can still get them at the lights. I think it's all about timing.
  4. Awesome! Glad it worked out well for you! Did you mainly catch them at the lights of the gas stations, stores, etc or did you set up your own lights?
  5. I know someone who is going this weekend so I'll let you know how he does. However, going next weekend can be a big difference. In one week it could be a lot less or could be the same, so hard to predict until you get there. As far as times, I find the best time is the first 3 hours of darkness. So collect as soon as it gets dark. You can sometimes find beetles all night but I find that as it gets past 10 or 11, it starts to get a lot less.
  6. Moon phase is perfect starting today and temps in the 90's this weekend with no rain. So the conditions are just about perfect this weekend. Your timing should be perfect. Good luck!
  7. Just FYI, I copied this from the facebook forum. I know nothing else.
  8. I would highly recommend you post that question in the facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/SWInsects A lot of people in the group live in Arizona and some live in Payson.
  9. I would definitely setup your uv led off the road somewhere in Payson. There are lots of places off the road just north of the Home Depot in Payson to set up lights. As Dee has mentioned, even if you don't get D grantii, there are other nice beetles that will come to your lights. Also some longhorns and nice moths. I personally have never got a lot of D grantii to my black lights. Maybe 2 or 3 in an evening. High wattage mercury vapor lights and metal halide lights have been much more productive for me and other collectors I know. However, you need a generator, etc which can be a pain. Good luck and have fun! It's the perfect time of year to find them! Try to go when there is no or very little moon and a warm evening. This increases your odds. If you are going around Sept 5th that will be almost perfect for the moon phase. The moon is large but won't start rising until 10.30 pm, which we will give you plenty of complete darkness to night collect. A full moon can really hamper night collecting. Besides setting up your uv led and using the tree method that Dee mentioned (I have never done that but it sounds amazing! I have talked to Margarethe about it many years ago, I guess I'm too lazy and would rather just sit in a chair next to big light, haha). I would still drive around to a few lights. I personally know collectors who still find them at lights in the city. Maybe not as much as the good ole days but still some here and there. I hope you enjoy your time in the US and welcome!
  10. yeah, the females can be tough. There are nights where I can get 50 males but lucky to get 4 females and that's setting up 10 black lights all over the place. Every year is different and of course the timing. A week earlier or later can make a big difference. I personally have not found larvae but I have never really looked. I have friends who have found larvae. Generally look at the base of the big mesquite trees and look for holes or frass and dig down a few inches. It's hit or miss with lots of misses but there are times my friends have found 10 or more larvae doing this. I don't have the patience, lol.
  11. When looking on the trees, it is generally mainly males. Occasionally you will find a mating pair. But I have found it can be like 20 to 1 in favor of males. The females come to black lights. So try setting up a few black lights. The more the better.
  12. You can use something like this: https://www.ebay.com/itm/180877784621?var=480164552274&hash=item2a1d27f62d:g:RqEAAOSwuCdb99QW&amdata=enc%3AAQAIAAAA4F4bTI8gC0niSpW%2B%2BMY60EKzckJ0rQ1n2xxR5LRmzmvUiW7B%2FXap3v%2FpXRwKYD3c6nIOXA8OiUItyjiDM3kMmF0Lj6PYpBNnxw0Oqk1PLw9GzY%2FZM%2FgHNfKXb%2FuiPd8OlxDctiJri33dUIBg26MEUL95GMVU0fITVgEv2L2pFcAsdTd0PrLsDSMexfiQQnDVdKwMCQNIgYrnTgMkDLKb4NNsJJX6ZH4wii%2BWhpL%2BcRLaFbYHX1V%2BMlDU3GmuzI8PQbkwKqah1eBJHUhXYx0SMU5xEXakcOtmEL%2BUO%2FmWBfA1|tkp%3ABFBMmMGq-bVi I use a 400 watt unit and it draws tons of stuff. Then you will need a 1000 watt generator. You will probably want to mount the socket on a tripod and extend the wires, etc. So a little bit of modification on your light setup but not difficult.
  13. I don't think you can ever be guaranteed of getting tons of D grantii. Some years are good, some years are not so good, so it just depends. That being said, imo, the prime time is end of August. It's rare to find them in July in Payson. So go around the end of August, preferably no moon or very small moon. No rain and a warm night is better. You can still find some at the lights in town. I know someone who did that last year. Maybe not as much back when they didn't use LED's but you can still get them. Your best chances are setting up a high wattage Mercury Vapor light. I and others have not had good luck with 15 watt black lights. Good luck and have fun!
  14. I'm pretty sure it's just gunk like you said. I would take a very soft toothbrush and wet the brush and let the water slowly dissolve the gunk, then take the toothbrush and brush off the gunk. Repeat until the gunk is gone. Then pat dry with a tissue. That's how I clean my blues that have dirt, etc that I catch in the wild.
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