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Eleodes spinipes anybody still keeping these?


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This is the biggest darkling species from North America I've seen. I first saw two wild-caught specimens at a zoo, circa 2000. It took me some years to source them (Hatari) and then some years to get them to produce more than a few a year. Eventually I had extra pairs and sent quite a few to other hobbyists starting 2009. I am curious if anyone has active cultures still going and how they are doing? Pics?

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I have Eleodes spinipes macrura, would love to get your E.s.ventricosa here sometime this year though.

The E.s.macrura have actually been a breeze to breed and pupate so far, minimal deaths/deformities when emerging from the pupal stage, and those have largely been due to human error anyways.

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On 2/1/2022 at 6:58 PM, Dynastes said:

This is the biggest darkling species from North America I've seen. I first saw two wild-caught specimens at a zoo, circa 2000. It took me some years to source them (Hatari) and then some years to get them to produce more than a few a year. Eventually I had extra pairs and sent quite a few to other hobbyists starting 2009. I am curious if anyone has active cultures still going and how they are doing? Pics?

Peter has some listed on his website, but they're currently out of stock.

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