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hello from the netherlands

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Hello I'm Julia,

At school English is my worst class so I thought maybe I can learn it a little bit better here, please correct me if I'm making spell or grammer mistakes.

I also breed beetles so this is a good place to learn some english and somthing about beetles.

I live in the Netherlands and I'm breeding the M.t.ugandensis, but I have some trouble with that I hope someone will help me.

The case is: my larvae are doing great so when they are big enough they build a puppea. But then the problems begin, as soon as they are out of the larvea skin (they are brown then) they die. I think that the box where they live in is not to wet and not to dry but I don't really know how to manage that.


I hope someone can help with my beetles and my English!?


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Welcome to the forum!

I'm not too sure about the problem with death during the pupal phase.

As for sending beetles, it's definitely possible. You'll find that most of the user's here are in the US, and it would definitely be better to source your beetles somewhere closer to home, as our import and export can be a little tricky.

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Welcome! What color/shade of brown are the pupae? They’re naturally a brownish orange color that could be mistaken for death. The only thing besides that that I can think of is that the cage is too moist, pupae like a drier environment than the larvae and are prone to death with too much moisture.

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  • 3 months later...

hi Julia, I'm dutch too! Good luck with your larvae, I'm afraid i can't help you here :(

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