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Making kinshi!

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hey so ive been making kinshi for a while and just wanted to show yall how i do it!
so the things you'll need are...
1.hardwood shavings (oak, beach, and poplar)
2.32oz cup/container
3.mushroom spwan (oyster mushroom dowls)
so first you get some 32oz cups


thoughs are both 32oz cups, next fill it up with wood shavings to the top or a little more since it compacts a little.




once it looks like this wet it down with some water till its all moist. it might take some time for the water to spread to all the wood shavings



then you'll need some spawns!



on the left is some oyseter mushroom dowls and on the right is a random kinshi brick from tiawan, idk the type of mushroom though :wacko:


next you need to add the dowls to the shavinigs, just press them in like this!


and for kinshi just smeer it all ontop of the shavings!



next to help the fungi grow add a thin layer of yest or flour to the top of it!



then for the last part make sure to lable your containers and close it, try not to open it to much and leave it closed until it looks like all the shavigs have been infested!





let me know how it works guys! :)

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Difrent species of fungi will have difrent looking myelium, and ive noticed sometimes they'll be thick and root like and other times it'll be more fuzzy either way i would let it keep going and see how it turns out!

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It's extremely easy for mushroom-producing species of fungi to be outcompeted by more simple fungi such as molds. Mushroom mycelium grows a bit slower and cannot reproduce without mushrooms while bacteria, simple fungi, and yeasts can multiply with ease because they do not require a special reproductive body. You will find most of your cultures growing fuzzy molds that then produce spores without any mushrooms if you do not do any sterilization or pasteurization. These cultures are not only going to have the wrong types of fungi growing, but will also be chemically unpalatable due to the chemicals produced by molds. Opening these containers can also be a health hazard as the mold spores can be inhaled and may cause mycosis in the immunodepressed or it may introduce mycotoxins into your system.


Most mushroom species will grow rather slowly if you do not introduce some supplemental nutrients into the growing medium prior to inoculation. The addition of supplements such as grain bran helps the mycelium grow by providing easily accessible nutrients. Gypsum is often also added to include a source of minerals and to help buffer the pH of the medium, but it's not always necessary unless you're expecting to also grow mushrooms. The addition of easily accessible nutrients makes working in a clean space to limit and prevent the introduction of airborne spores and bacteria necessary. Microbial growth has devised its own methods of preventing competition and one such method is the production of antibiotics that can both limit growth and kill anything other than the microbes producing it.


Yeast should not be added to a mushroom culture because it will compete for available resources and retard the growth of the mycelium due to the faster growth of yeast. You can attempt to start a mushroom culture using sawdust without any additives, but mycelium will likely take considerable longer to spread and will not grow as thick as in a medium containing supplements. The lack of supplements does not mean that you can get away with starting a culture without sterilization or pasteurization, of course. There are molds such as Trichoderma that attacks mushroom mycelium and the presence of such a mold will result in the loss of all the mycelium and the production of a container full of green spores.


The mushroom mycelium will tend not to be fuzzy except where it's growing on the surface initially in high humidity. It should instead look like thick threads or ropey growth that spreads out like roots through the medium. As it grows, it will take over the substrate and will turn the container white with its thick growth. Molds will appear as fuzzy growth at the surface since each strand will produce spores which can be quickly released into the air. If you have fuzzy-looking growth and aren't sure whether or not it's mold, leave the container alone for a while and observe it after a few days or a few weeks. If it was mold, there would be spore production or it would continue to grow on the surface and produce a grayish, cottony fuzz instead of the thick growth of mushroom mycelium. Avoid opening containers with mold growth and just discard them.

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hey shades... if i post a picture of my thing, can u identify what it is?



fuzzy white strings.... i read somehwere that oyster shrooms starts out as spider web like stuff so idk

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Yeast is a common contaminant in mushroom cultures that use grain spawn or substrate containing simple carbohydrates. It uses up the sugars as fast as the grain breaks down and then causes the medium to be less than ideal for mushroom mycelium growth.


Stringy mycelium growth is usually mushroom mycelium. The mycelium you need to watch out for is fuzzy and looks like fluffed up cotton that spreads as much vertically as it does horizontally into the air. Mushroom mycelium will grow in order to spread throughout the substrate while mold will only grow a relatively short distance before it creates spore.

I recommend you do a browser search on mushroom growing to familiarize yourself with the methods involved, the medium, the type of inoculant, and the various contaminants you might see when attempting to culture mushrooms.


I've kept a variety of animals as a hobby, and I've found that it's important to familiarize myself with caring not only for the animal, but the organisms involved in the life cycle or health of the animal. These organisms range from large organisms such as feeders or plants that provide security and breeding sites to microorganisms responsible for maintaining health or responsible for causing disease. The information is easily available on the internet these days and can usually be relied on as at least a guideline of what should and should not be done. There's always room for experimentation, but reading about other people's observations and mistakes can save yourself a lot of time and resources.

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