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A couple dark beetles.

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Did some hunting outside Highpoint and found some real cool stuff...IDs would help a bunch lol.


This little fella was just chilling on a trail, is it a dungie?




Some sort of fungus eater, maybe in the darkling family. Found 3 under loose bark, but only managed to get 2. They are very flat and kind of oval shaped. Couldn't get a good shot.





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Me too! It is the only type of beetle I have had much success breeding, and I live in a desert region, so I can find lots of them.

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All kinds of eleodes, asbolus, nyctoporus carinatas, diabolicals. I need to explore the higher elevations out here to see what I can find, see if I can find some ground beetles.


Well I get loads of ground beetles here, and I'm always open to trade, especially for tenes! :D (I like and don't have the N. carinatas too ;))

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I have a variety of ground beetles around me too, mainly harpalus affinus, and pterostichus. And I will (hopefully) be open to trades in a few weeks. (hint hint.) is it easy to breed the N.carinatas?

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I have a variety of ground beetles around me too, mainly harpalus affinus, and pterostichus. And I will (hopefully) be open to trades in a few weeks. (hint hint.) is it easy to breed the N.carinatas?


What kind of ground beetles you interested in? :)


I'm not sure- any with a decent lifespan. I'll have to make some more room for my growing collection! I'm hiking tonight and will check for carinatas.


They seem to be easy to breed. I had mine for what seemed like less than a month and already found larvae!

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The harpalus affinus seem to live a while, at least 6 months i would say. Then again they are wild caught so i have no idea how long they have left.

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