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I found it!


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I finally found the Elodes goryi I have been seeking! I decided today would be the day so the dog and I struck out on the park trails only to find squished goryi after squished goryi when finally we came across a living, unsquished, one! Yay! On our triumphant return we found another live goryi. Now I have two. =D



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I hope so. The dog and I will go look again tomorrow and hopefully we will find some more. I'll go earlier and hopefully find less squished ones and more live ones. I think goryi might be my first singleton beetle tank since they are free and I can find them on the ground. :D Can't wait to get a few more. I'm watching these two right now crawl around a small critter keeper. They act pretty much like all the Eleodes but they have longer back legs and the first thing they did when I put them into the keeper is bury themselves. The only other Darkling I have that buries itself is the Eleodes osculans (wooly darklings). They have not touched the potatoes I gave them. I wonder if their care is different form the the ones found in the deserts since Austin isn't a desert. I found them crawling on the side walk of a bike trail in a wooded area. I found almost all the squished ones in the same type of area.

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Hope you can find some more :)


Maybe they are laying eggs? :);)


I have never kept the woolies. But I am guessing they should eat fruit and dry foods like other Eleodes. Maybe try some dog/cat food or fish food, or even oats if you have some.

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I gave them some potatoes which the other beetles go nuts for but I'll give them a bit of dog food too. Good idea! I keep forgetting that darklings eat dog food. :rolleyes:


Now that I know where they have been hiding I don't think it will be a problem to find more. There were enough squished ones from bikes and runners on the trails that I don't think I will have any problems getting a tank full of them and maybe a colony if they breed and pupate. B)

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Remember you good friend here if you get too many or they have more babies than you know what to do with ;) (wink wink, hint hint)


The cool thing with darklings is it seems they will eat anything. lol. Even the larva eat dry foods, like oats, cricket food, dog/cat food, hermit crab food, and they love carrot :)

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If I catch some more or they start having babies that live I will be all up for trades. You have some Eleodes obscurus which I don't have yet, if I remember correctly. ;) Which is why I choose the Pokemon avatar, the bug hobby is very simular to the collecting and trading of Pokemon that I remember as a child.


My next target is Eleodes tricostata which has also been found within a mile of my house! B)

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I have some obscurus larva. No beetles of them yet though. Once they start having babies we can talk a trade though. I also have some spinipes, but they are also larva.


The tricostata look pretty cool :) Hope you can find some ;)

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The dog failed me Monday and today I didn't get to go bug hunting. I'm trying again tomorrow morning! B)


Oh, spinipes! I read that wrong before. Cool. I wanted to get some of those from Bugsincyberspace but I haven't done it yet. :lol:

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Thank you! I was thinking these were both females. I'm hoping to get a good group together and seeing what happens.


Edit: There must be something in the water here today both the Eleodes subnitens females and the Eleodes osculan female are laying eggs this morning!

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Thank you! I was thinking these were both females. I'm hoping to get a good group together and seeing what happens.


Edit: There must be something in the water here today both the Eleodes subnitens females and the Eleodes osculan female are laying eggs this morning!

I have a couple of extra male goryi I would trade for a couple of females, if you find an abundance of them and no males, or any other Eleodes sp.

I am in Georgetown a couple of times a week usually so swapping beetles would not be a problem.

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I found another, what I think are, two females today on my morning run. I'm going to give it a few more days and see what I find now that I have found where these little beetles have been hiding! I'll keep in touch, thank you for the offer as well.

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The 4 I found last week are all males. I found a female this weekend and she is almost double the size of the males. She is really big around and just bigger in general. She is driving the males nuts. I will try to get a picture to show the size difference later. The beetles were not cooperating with me today with that.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The 4 I found last week are all males. I found a female this weekend and she is almost double the size of the males. She is really big around and just bigger in general. She is driving the males nuts. I will try to get a picture to show the size difference later. The beetles were not cooperating with me today with that.

Inow have a total of 4.3, and a tub full of worms from them. If anyone wants some beetle whenever they mature, or some worms for that matter, let me know and we can work something out.

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