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Are Sun Beetles Poisonous to Cats?


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So I am very interested in getting a terrarium of sun beetles as they strike me as a beginner friendly species. However my girlfriend has a cat and I do not want to keep any insect species that are poisonous to cats in case one escapes the terrarium. When I tried researching this question on my own I could not find any information. I am suspecting that sun beetles are poisonous to cats due to their bright coloration and slow movement speed. I was wondering if anyone on the forum knows anything about this question. 

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I doubt they would be DEADLY to cats, but I've read that they could secrete an odorous and presumably bad-tasting substance from their abdomens when threatened. People use their grubs and sometimes adults as feeders, so cats shouldn't have a problem with them.

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When I posed the questions to ChatGBT this is the response I got "Pachnoda marginata, also known as sun beetles or fruit beetles, are not poisonous to cats. They are generally harmless and do not have any toxic properties that would cause harm to cats. However, it is important to keep in mind that some cats may have an allergic reaction to certain insects, including sun beetles. Additionally, if a cat tries to bite or chew on a sun beetle, it could lead to choking or injury to the mouth and throat. If you suspect that your cat has come into contact with a sun beetle, it is always best to monitor them and contact a veterinarian if you notice any signs of illness or distress." However I know that ChatGBT is not always accurate so I am curious what you all think?

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