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Hello from Mexico

Arturo Garcia

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Hello I have been keeping mantids the last year, but I always wanted a bettle, last week I saw one for sale here in Mexico City and I couldn´t resist to buy it, it is a Megasoma, but I´m not sure exactly the specie. Now I´m here to learn from all of you and try to breed some beetles.

There is a one liter bottle cap in the second pic.







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Welcome Arturo!!, I´m new with beetle breeding too.


your beetle is a big male of Megasoma elephas, one of the heavyweights in beetles world.


Good luck with it!!

Awsome beetle (Megasoma elephas) never seen one before the only beetles I find in Texas is Strategus Aloeus and Dynastes tityus!.... WELCOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! here

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Thank you all, I think the first pic is not displayed :( . I have gave him a banana and he ate it!!!, some time I let it walk around and I saw him fling, really amazing!!!!

I think I´m going to buy the female, and later when I got her, I´ll let you know my doubts.







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