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  1. Oh sorry I meant the logs Ratmosphere is selling
  2. Ya I took a peek at those, 6 months fermentation is a long time though. I'm actually thinking about buying a rotting log from you in 2 or 3 weeks, I can't find rotten wood here and you have a good deal so why not.
  3. I found some soft rotting wood that I could easily break with my fingers, can I add this to the organic potting soil? Will it feed the larvae? Picture: https://imgur.com/OFlpFas (I boiled it already so it's sterilized)
  4. Can I use organic potting soil aswell? If so is there a brand you recommend?
  5. I have 4 L1 d. tityus Larvae coming in the mail tomorrow and I just got a gallon of substrate today, I separated it out into four containers with small holes poked in the top (to hold in more moisture) here are pictures of the containers and substrate: https://imgur.com/46Y8NlT.jpg https://imgur.com/BZl559x.jpg https://imgur.com/h3nha4d.jpg My questions are: 1 is that enough soil? 2 if it's not enough can I combine it and house more than one larvae together And 3 how often do I need to change the soil? (the soil is flake soil from bugs in cyberspace)
  6. Oh cool, good to know there's other ant keepers here! I'm goldsystem on formiculture
  7. Hi everyone! I started out keeping Ants on a similar forum called formiculture and then discovered this forum while looking for information on stag beetles. I'm very excited to start keeping beetles and being apart of this forums community!
  8. How long do they live for in captivity as adults? (I've seen 6 months as the max but idk if its different in captivity) and how long does it take them to go from larvae to beetle?
  9. Hi everyone! I'm looking for a large, long living beetle to keep as a pet (I'd like to be able to breed them also) I am particularly interested in stag beetles but they seem very hard to come by (legally) or are very expensive here in the US. I'm also interested in rino beetles but it seems like they don't live very long (6 months seems about max for adults as far as I know for western species, I was hoping for something with ether a longer adult life or something that doesn't take as long to go from larvae to adult ). what other kinds of beetles do you guys recommend?
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